Lake Dewberry RV Resort aspires to be pet friendly, and, when the following policy rules are adhered to, it is our pleasure to welcome your four-legged friends. Wildlife or any type of farm animal is not classified by the Resort as a pet and is not allowed.

  • 1. No more than 3 pets are permitted per RV site.
  • 2. Waste clean-up is the responsibility of the pet owner. A $20 fine will be charged to anyone who fails to clean up after his or her pet(s). Pet stations with bags and waste disposal bins are provided for your use.
  • 3. Pets (dogs & cats) must be on a maximum 6-ft. leash at all times outside the RV, except within the designated enclosed Dog Park area or when penned in a pet pen appropriate to the animal if the RV/pet owner or an adult designated by the RV/pet owner is present outdoors on the RV site. Again, waste clean-up is the pet owner’s responsibility both at the assigned RV site and elsewhere on the Property.
  • 4. The fenced Dog Park area is provided so your pet can enjoy leash-free exercise.
  • 5. All pets must wear a collar identifying the owner and the phone number for contact.
  • 6. Pets are required to have current rabies vaccines and any other required vaccine with accompanying proof of vaccination available upon request.
  • 7. Pet owners have the responsibility to control their pet at all times and are responsible for the behavior as well as the safety of their pets. Lake Dewberry RV Resort will not allow pets who exhibit aggressive or threatening behavior toward other animals or toward persons. If your pet displays any type of aggressive behavior, you will be asked to remove the animal from the Property immediately. The Resort is not responsible for any injuries or damages caused by pets. Excessive barking will not be tolerated.
  • 8. Service animals are welcome without any proof of owner disability or certification for the service animal. Service animals are permitted throughout the Property in locations where pets may be prohibited. However, the owners will be asked to remove these animals from the Property should the service animals exhibit aggressive or threatening behavior.
  • 9. Pets are not allowed inside any of the buildings or facilities on the Property.
  • 10. No pet bedding or other pet items such as towels, blankets, etc., may be taken into the Laundry facility or washed in the Resort washing machines or placed in dryers.
  • 11. The only pets permitted on the Property are pets belonging to the registered RV owners or to their registered visitor(s).
  • 12. Any damage to your RV site, to the facilities, or to any area of the Property that is caused by or is a result of your pet will be your financial responsibility, and a minimum fine of $100 will be charged to you as the pet owner.

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